Oct 12, 2018
The normal one
Beverley. Because not every pig needs to be a flamboyant loudmouth. She's the perfect supporting actor among this cast of lunatics.

Jun 15, 2018
New hideout
Beverley couldn't care less when new pigs arrive, but she does like it when they bring new hardware with them, like this lovely stick...

Dec 29, 2017
New Year's resolution
New Year's resolution: Be more like Beverley. Be kind, inquisitive and easy going. See you all in 2018!

Aug 14, 2017
Pig Trivia
Not only do Beverley and Holly look very similar, their names are also related. Their full names are Beverley Hills and Holly Wood.

Aug 11, 2017
One for the tour poster
There's rumours going around that Chino, Cucamonga, Panama and Beverley are starting a band.

Aug 4, 2017
Hey, good lookin'
That face when you arrive at your new forever home and find your doppelganger already there waiting for you.

Jun 30, 2017
Bev, Quality Assurance Administrator
Most of the Squeakers seem to think veggies rain down from the sky and water bottles magically re-fill, but occasionally you'll get a...

Jun 3, 2017
Summer days
One of the most human-friendly pigs to ever join the tribe, here's Beverley relaxing in the sun yesterday. She'll climb on your feet,...

Feb 17, 2017
Friday predicament
The broccoli has capsized and we can't get to the good stuff - send help!

Jan 28, 2017
Meet the tribe: Beverley
This black beauty is the newest addition to the tribe, Beverley. She arrived on Tuesday but it wasn't until today (Saturday) that she...