Apr 28, 2017
Meet the Tribe: Pickle
New resident at the retirement village! I'm Pickle. At 7 and a half years of age I'm providing some much needed calm and wisdom to this...

Apr 12, 2017
Meet the Tribe: Coconut
Hi, I'm Coconut. At 5 years and 7 months of age I'm one of the oldest new arrivals to the Surrey Squeakers, but I have the energy and...

Apr 5, 2017
Meet the Tribe: Havana
Lastly but not leastly, I'm Havana, the new resident floormop of the Surrey Squeakers. Today I'm rocking the fringe but I'm a pig of many...

Apr 4, 2017
Meet the Tribe: Chino
Yesterday you met my pal Panama. I'm Chino (aka magpie-toes), the second in a trio of new arrivals. We're a bunch of scaredycats but I'm...

Apr 3, 2017
Meet the Tribe: Panama
Hi. I'm Panama, one of THREE new members of the Surrey Squeakers. The other two will introduce themselves as soon as they are ready for...

Sep 9, 2016
Meet the tribe: Alaska
Hello, I'm Alaska. Since arriving here on Sunday I've settled in and become one of the tribe very quickly, which is surprising...

Jul 14, 2016
Meet the tribe: Roxie
Hello everyone, I'm Roxie. I'm the other half of this week's new arrivals along with my sister Ramona who you met yesterday. Although I'm...

Jul 13, 2016
Meet the tribe: Ramona
Hello! I'm Ramona, one of two new faces in the Surrey Squeakers. I have settled in very quickly after arriving here on Monday with my...

Jun 18, 2016
Meet the tribe: Pepper
Hello, I'm Pepper. I was blessed with the most beautiful, flowing coat of white and brown locks a pig could ever hope for... but I can't...

Jun 16, 2016
Meet the tribe: Waikiki
I'm Waikiki, named after my sandy coloured fur. I spend most of my time as a happy-go-lucky background pig, but I can step up to sort out...